Here i would like to apologize for everyone that i hurt before...For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. Words will not be able to ever express how sorry I am for this, and I have profound regret and sorrow for the multitude of mistakes and harm I have caused.I can’t express my feelings except to say; I’m really sorry....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Langkawi Island
Langkawi, dah lame x g langkawi since my sister abis elajar kt ctu... Lately vacation with family there... bnyak la kenangan yg x besh... here r some pict yg sempat snap in the vacation..

antara tempat yg kraorg pegi, pulau dayang bunting, pulau beras basah, pulau singa, gua kelawar,cable car, yg len2 tu x ingat name,hahaha...

My mom said "x payah bawak laptop, lupakan dunia luar, tenagkan fikiran dlm holiday nie".. nasib baek die soh bawak hp,haha...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Dear all my related family
Firstly i wanna say sorry for everyhthing i'hv done lately could couse today disaster. There's two reason y i wanna be the part of photographer among us that day, doesnt matter official or not. I'm only want to capture a minute part of life that we will never remember and see how u respond to them when i remind the moment in your life in future. It's not for money, it is priceless. I'hv heard lot of conflict among all of this famly, see lot of tears, full of fighting.... With the power of today gadget, i can see how simple thing could be a mountain monster that kill everybody heart. I'm 20, not a child anymore. i can feel how the other feeling, smell the evil in people heart...
Everything begins with EGO... U never realize it coz u think that u always rite. Hello, i'm not sitting here like a stupid and watching a drama. I can see the every steps that u move, every word that u say which diffrent from what u acting.. I feel like wanna shouting at u coz u naver know what and when yr responsibilities must be use to help yr own family even in a simple problems. U do the unimportant things in an important time. Guys u really show yr stupidity rite there.
MONEY? exactly the problem... But i dont want money. I want a happyness, smile in our face every yime we meet, every minute me stay together. I dare to do lot of heavy thing just for all of u. But i dont want any reward. I just want to hav a nice appreciation from u. Depand on u how the way it is as long as i could feel the worth for what i'hv done for u. it's true that money can change people. but for me money cant count any honest respect. the respect r just FAKE...
Dont think the children in us cant learn anything from all the acting that u hv done. they r growing up and for surely learn lot of things from their parent. u teach them how to respond with the people outside there nicely however u badly fail to show them how the way you respond. can u imagine what kind of informal knowledge that u hv give to them in order to respect u in future? i hav many non-malay friends and they r really strong in famly relationship. here i really understand what's the meaning of "melayu mudah lupa"....
So please... we r family. Support each other. Dont count any ringgit amoung us, it is usefull. Give good acting for the younger. They learn from us. Throw out all the egos away coz it just black the white things. I dont care about material, i just wanna have respect each other. Shy for yourself coz not just only me could see yr fighting at back of us, the younger could make their own observation. So i begging we as famly, be support, appreciate, acting professionally and love each other.
Unofficial wedding snapshoot
13 jun, tarikh kenduri wedding paksu aku.. dengan knowledge photographer yg x seberapa, snap je mane2 shoot yg boleh. Hasilnya:

now dengan harapan nk tingkatkan agi skill, mak aku soh bukak studio!!! GILER kowt ilmu x cukup, bnyak kne blajar, gadjet pown x cukup,huhu........
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Learn is belajar....
D3000.... learn from the bottom to get the perfect. Outdoor shoot is my classroom today. with the insufficient skills and knowledge, just try making something either idiot or brilliant. here they are:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Global Warming tahu?
Panas giler skang nie..... even malam pown still boleh berpeluh. Siang klw naek moto mmg terbakar giler, naek keta klw x de air-cond mmg mcm dok dlm slimut tngah2 padang la. Exzoz keta, moto, lori, asap rokok, SHISHA, bakar sampah (nie org2 tua taman aku dok wat) mcm2 la dok wat panas nie....
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