10 november... HAPPY BIRTHDAY IBU!!!
bngun pagi2 da stress coz housemate aku tngah study, da la bnyak study, tyme exm kluar awal lak tu, mmg nk kene tol tmbh2 agi ble tnya soalan die ckp x pham agi...
trikh hari nie yg suppose to be aku happy coz da abis paper exm.
tapi laen la plak cte xbb aku jwb mmg silly mistake punya la bnyakkk..
ayah leh lak wat ayat puisi sms aku ble aku stress, tergelak guling la jwbnya..
to kakak:gud luck utk exm coz ame da boleh enjoy,heeeee...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Maaf Zahir Dan Batin

Selamat hari rayaaaa..... setaun sekali, bngun pagi utk celebrate raya. the first thing yg aku mkn, 4 sure la ketupat. sementara menunggu sedara2 aku siap2 dgn baju baru, bleh makan dluuu.... cucu tokwan aku da la 11 org, maw x nye bilik air da mcm asrama coz kne beratur siottt, baek kecik or dewasa.
After semayang, balik lah rumah, mcm biasa lah mesti sesi bersalaman dgn bergambar. i felt like that moment did't fun as the year before, huhu...
that nite is the best part of the raya coz ade BBQ, weeee.. mcm biasa lah aku mmg ske panggang ayam. Paksu aku hidopkan api, aku ttp kedai.haha...
Next day, x bnyak bnda yg ktaorg wat, just beraya certain umah jer. Mlm tu mcm biasa my aunt, paksu,paklang an me lepak kdai mamak smpai late nite.smpai la penat baru balik.
The 3rd day of raya, balik kampung melaka. dah la lame giler aku x jejk kaki kt melaka, famly aku rajin jer turun melaka. mlm tu lak x sangka diorg wat ikan bakar pulakkk, mmg best la bab makan kt kampung aku yg nie lak. klw aku dok melaka confirm aku gemok ckitttt...haha. then sepupu pepapan aku yg x pnah bercakap dg aku plak jadi frendly.

1. Ibu~coz lawan ckp
2. Ayah~x dngar nasihat, i'm always not take any attention on the important things that u remind me.
3. Kakak~ kemek kan yr lovely car.
4. Hafiz&Tikah~kutuk2 korag coz aku kan abang.
5. Siti Nadiah bt Kamarul Anuar~i fail to improve my attitude coz i'm not the perfect guy..sorry.
6. Paksu~coz da wat pakcik adam bengang sometimes and i know u mad with me at certain situation.
7. Frenz(haikal, patli, yap, paan dan lain2 yg aku x bleh nk sebutkan nama)~sory coz x dpt raya dgn korang, aku bnyak wat salah.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
so i drove my car pegi damansara
ASSIGNMENT.... pasal into to engineer. 4 of us g damansara, tapi sorang pown x bleh bawak keta manual,huhuhu. as a result aku la gak yg drive, mmg penat maen clutch. bertolak dari pkul 2.30pm(21 ogos 09), terus g damansara. the best part dlm keta la coz mmg bising,haha.
in the interview, mmg best la engineer tue, dpt gak something yg suppose we prepair to become an engineer.
around 5.00, si natrah lak soh anta balik umah, as a driver yg baek ati(ehem2) aku pon anta la smpai pintu rumah,heee. bkn stakat jamu air, siap dpt mkn besar free kt luar yg ditaja oleh bapa die,thanks to "ge'bot"...
balik pulakkkk silap masok jalan,huhuhu. tapi smpai gak la destinasi ktaorg even da mlm. ecok tu da la 1st day puasa, penat giler smpai tido terus lps mandi. nk wat mcm mane, student life mmg mcm nie...heee
in the interview, mmg best la engineer tue, dpt gak something yg suppose we prepair to become an engineer.
around 5.00, si natrah lak soh anta balik umah, as a driver yg baek ati(ehem2) aku pon anta la smpai pintu rumah,heee. bkn stakat jamu air, siap dpt mkn besar free kt luar yg ditaja oleh bapa die,thanks to "ge'bot"...
balik pulakkkk silap masok jalan,huhuhu. tapi smpai gak la destinasi ktaorg even da mlm. ecok tu da la 1st day puasa, penat giler smpai tido terus lps mandi. nk wat mcm mane, student life mmg mcm nie...heee
Monday, July 27, 2009
H1N1 effect (UiTM shah alam was closed)

to najmi classmate(EMD1M7): get well soon slepas jadi suspek H1N1.

27JUN-finally aku bergelar mahasiswa,heee.... hoping i can make my best in Universiti Teknologi Mara (main campus, shah alam).As the mechanical engineering student, mmg my 1st choice. So otak student mmg tingtong, bleh plak sape yg pakai sluar slack g fakulti tu dikutuk student skema tahap gaban,hua hua hua. thats y i lik to be student engineering. 4 years, 6 semester, going to be my lifetime to be an engineer, harap2 x repeat,huuu..
Thursday, June 25, 2009
TRANSFORMER besttttttt....
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I love my village...

I love my KAMPUNG lolx... the place where i was born, yeah i'm just the kampung boy. silence and peacefull, thats what everebody want rite.. both my grandfather and his queen are very sporting siott.. i walk around there in the evening and saw a lot of things.. playing with cats,fishing by the "parit", get into the paddy field, really fun.hahahaha... seriously i can relex and release my tension there. love to be there(if i want a peace,heee).
Please god, dont let all the village on this earth destroy in future.. coz i love it sho much....
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Waterfall wannabe

Sunday, June 7, 2009
No ending problem

Aku benci la dgn problem. Org len tngok aku mcm ok jah, padahal dlm ati x leh trima langsung problem. Ngalahkan obama lak. skang jam tepat 3.30am... mata still x bleh tido, ntah nape asyik pk pasal yg bukan2. nk story susah, for sure ramai yg wat donno jer. nk share problem, tak de sorang pown yg aku angap layak utk aku share..
nape la susah sngat nk trima org kedua yg perlu aku trima selepas "my muchuk"... i need her besides my muchuk. but she......p/s for sure korang tak faham. aku da bosan dgn hidup aku, tak de arah tuju langsung. i'm not the perfect guy like the others and i know that..
Umai, kan besh klw ko ade je kt cni.. ko slalu jer wat aku happy kt matrik kn kn. tetiba je tringat kt ko pagi2 buta nie, siyez beb.. ko pham ape yg aku nk, u can be my good listener for my prob. mish u sho much my best fren.. Eda lak, da jarang aku contect, msj pown mcm full of secret. x nk story lebih2. sory to u coz aku da ckp awal2 yg aku mmg sombong pas matrik,huhu..
tomorrow my muchuk gonna hav a photoshot for her dewi remaja contest. hope she can do her best. klw x aku paksa dia cuba, x da nya nk isi borang. i dont say any gud luck word tonite to her, coz i'm not in my mood. sory to you, i know u can undrstnd me, not like her. ~out~ 4.00am
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I hate myelf

Can't describe what happen to me.. i hate bored life. wanna do something but donno what. it make me lazy, hot temp, uncontrol emotion, useless.. what happen to me?
STRESS for sure, sitting at home without any usefull activities. television, internet, radio and i'm getting bored of them. money?doesnt have any coz dah BOROS..thats why i not chill out lepak2. like to eat when i'm in the bad mood, but all the food at home make me lost my appetite. thats y la rmai gurl jelez aku kurus,ahaks~
Like to BEBAI if donno what to do.sory tu NADIA coz kena tempias moody i,huhuhu. she said i BLOM MATANG coz i'm always thinking bout BOSAN im my head. yeah i x matang, too bored until watching ninja boy and "wonderpet2 kami datang"....but i'm still watching NGEO and discovery channel lahhh..
She is rite.i cant control my emotion lately, not like amir yg dulu. mane pulakkkk nk cari keta back to the future nk jadi amir yg dulu nie coz nk patah balik mase.huaaaaa, my muchuk said i SEWEL... nie suma pasal environment yg bosan gler.
STRESS for sure, sitting at home without any usefull activities. television, internet, radio and i'm getting bored of them. money?doesnt have any coz dah BOROS..thats why i not chill out lepak2. like to eat when i'm in the bad mood, but all the food at home make me lost my appetite. thats y la rmai gurl jelez aku kurus,ahaks~
Like to BEBAI if donno what to do.sory tu NADIA coz kena tempias moody i,huhuhu. she said i BLOM MATANG coz i'm always thinking bout BOSAN im my head. yeah i x matang, too bored until watching ninja boy and "wonderpet2 kami datang"....but i'm still watching NGEO and discovery channel lahhh..
She is rite.i cant control my emotion lately, not like amir yg dulu. mane pulakkkk nk cari keta back to the future nk jadi amir yg dulu nie coz nk patah balik mase.huaaaaa, my muchuk said i SEWEL... nie suma pasal environment yg bosan gler.
As the environment is getting bored day by day, the lavel of amir's emotion is getting worst. as a conclusion, dont make my surrounding like loser or i will be dante the demon. hypothesis is accepted.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Suatu ptg yg bosan

Bosan giler ptg nie dok umahhhh. asyik ngadap tv, internet, kucing... da la dok umah panas giler, nie sbb kes apek dgn nyonya dpn umah aku yg dok bakar sampah lolx, tak abis2 nk bakar bakar bakar...GLOBAL WARMING la toekkk.... p/s: kpd yg dok bakar sampah tue, aku londeh gak sluar korang tyme membakar.
Tapi ada gak brita yg happy ptg tue.. tngah makan ptg, tetiba msj plak bunyiii. to ♥siti nadiah binti kamarul anuar♥..TAHNIAH coz dpt msok selection dlm pencarian DEWI REMAJA. i'll support u. nanti g photoshot wat da best posing,akahs~
Ptg tu aku da x tau nk wat apa, capai ja camera yg ada kt umah, snap je la pict ape yg patot, hilang gak bosan tahap power rangers merah biji saga tue. tu je, malas nk cte. here there are some pict yg smpat aku snap. mlm kang ade plan maen bdmintn lak, weee..
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mcm best jew BLOG..
BARUUU...... buat BLOG
BLOG..gler la pening nk wat bnda nie, tp mcm besh jew.. 3am..mlm mmg hdop aku,layan bola,tertenet, ape2 je la yg besh. Kluar LEPAK!!! mana ada bahan seyhh. Myspace pown bosan, kwn bajet ja asyik buzz, x bleh blah.. To : FARHANA dgn TIKAH, ajar lolx aku bendalah nie.. korang ja aktif 25jam 8ari seminggu...BUKU!!! nk tngok buku apenya, smbung study pon blom. Bosan bosan bosannnn..
Ncet Rosak.. cilakak la ko ncet. wat susah idop aku ja. x pee, aku ada yg cikai, janji old skol seyhhh.. nk suruh aku tukar baru la tu, jgn harap la wahai ncet, aku da malas tuka baru. tuka lama plak,huahuahua..
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