Aku benci la dgn problem. Org len tngok aku mcm ok jah, padahal dlm ati x leh trima langsung problem. Ngalahkan obama lak. skang jam tepat 3.30am... mata still x bleh tido, ntah nape asyik pk pasal yg bukan2. nk story susah, for sure ramai yg wat donno jer. nk share problem, tak de sorang pown yg aku angap layak utk aku share..
nape la susah sngat nk trima org kedua yg perlu aku trima selepas "my muchuk"... i need her besides my muchuk. but she......p/s for sure korang tak faham. aku da bosan dgn hidup aku, tak de arah tuju langsung. i'm not the perfect guy like the others and i know that..
Umai, kan besh klw ko ade je kt cni.. ko slalu jer wat aku happy kt matrik kn kn. tetiba je tringat kt ko pagi2 buta nie, siyez beb.. ko pham ape yg aku nk, u can be my good listener for my prob. mish u sho much my best fren.. Eda lak, da jarang aku contect, msj pown mcm full of secret. x nk story lebih2. sory to u coz aku da ckp awal2 yg aku mmg sombong pas matrik,huhu..
tomorrow my muchuk gonna hav a photoshot for her dewi remaja contest. hope she can do her best. klw x aku paksa dia cuba, x da nya nk isi borang. i dont say any gud luck word tonite to her, coz i'm not in my mood. sory to you, i know u can undrstnd me, not like her. ~out~ 4.00am
relax bro.chill!
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